As of August 2023, KDA support was added to Ledger devices. Koala Wallet currently cannot interact directly with hardware wallets like Ledger (i.e. you can't connect your Ledger via Bluetooth or USB to your phone and make transactions from it via Koala Wallet).
While Ledger Live software also doesn't support KDA, it's possible to send and receive into your Ledger using Chainweb's transfer tool. While not fully inside the scope of this support page, you can follow the instructions below to send and receive KDA with Ledger, assuming you already have the KDA app installed on the Ledger device.
Obtaining the Ledger's KDA address
- Connect the Ledger device to your computer and open the Kadena app on the Ledger device
- Open on your browser
- Click on "Ledger Tools → Simple Transfer"
- Click on "Change / Verify Ledger Account"
- Accept the connection on the browser
Verifying the address
- Below the address on the chainweb page, click on "Verify"
- On the Ledger device, scroll the shown public key
- Check that the key shown on the Ledger device matches the address on the chainweb page
- If they match, select "confirm" on the device. You're good to send to that address using your Koala Wallet or any other wallet you want. Practice by sending small amounts in and out of the device at first.
- If they don't match, do not send to the address shown on the page. You may have malware or communication problems between the device and the computer. We recommend contacting the support teams of Ledger or Chainweb.
Sending from Ledger
- Open and search for your Ledger's address. There you can easily see the Ledger's balance on each chain.
- Connect the Ledger device to your computer and open the Kadena app on the Ledger device
- Open on your browser
- Click on "Transfer with Ledger"
- Set the chain you'll be sending from; the destination address and chain; and amount to send. Do not send the full balance out, always leave at least 0.001 KDA to cover the transfer fees (e.g: if your balance on a chain is 1 KDA and you want to send that full balance out, send 0.999 KDA)
- Press "Sign with Ledger and Transfer"
- Verify the transaction details on the Ledger device. If all are correct, select "Confirm"
Sending from a Ledger device uses tools neither created nor maintained by Koala Wallet. We are limited in our ability to provide support in case of issues. In those cases we recommend contacting the Ledger or Chainweb support teams directly.