By combining multiple sources and services, Koala Wallet gives you the most versatile way to swap and find the best rates. Powered by multiple leading aggregators, you can even swap from an asset on one blockchain to an asset on another. Kadena assets that are only supported by KDSwap automatically and transparently use that system. Read all about how to use it below.
Opening the Swap section
Simply tap the swap icon at the bottom of the screen to open its section.
Initiating the swap
On the top half of the screen, select first which blockchain account you'll be sending from, then the asset on that blockchain that you want to send. Only blockchains and assets already visible on Koala Wallet's main screen will show here.
Finally, enter the amount that you want to send. Tapping on your balance will automatically attempt to send your full balance. When swapping Kadena assets only available in KDSwap, you will only be able to send funds that are in chain 1.
On the bottom half of the screen, select on which blockchain account you want to receive, and which asset on that chain you will be swapping into. You can even choose assets in different blockchains.
We will search through various exchange providers and show you the option with the best rate. You're free to choose other providers by tapping on the provider name.
Once you agree with the amount to send, exchange provider and amount to receive, press the Review button to see a summary of all the data. Press and hold the pink button to enter your Password and initiate the swap.
Swap overview
Once you send your coins, most swaps complete within 20 minutes, but can take up to a few hours. Please be patient while the exchange is in pending state. After submitting your transaction it's OK to leave the swap section or close the app completely. At any time tap the "history" icon at the top right corner of the screen to see all the swaps you initiated. Tapping an entry on the history will show more details.
- Pending - a swap has this state immediately when you send a transaction out. The description text will update according to the step in the swap process:
- Waiting: your transaction was just sent and hasn't confirmed on the blockchain yet
- Confirming: the provider is waiting for the required number of confirmations
- Exchanging: the provider has started their internal process to send you the other coin back
- Sending: the provider has sent the coins to your address
- Finished - a swap is updated to this status after the provider confirms the other coin was successfully sent. You may not see the incoming transaction in your wallet until it is confirmed on the blockchain, but it will appear soon.
- Failed - a swap has this state if something prevented it from completing successfully, and has 3 possible descriptions:
- Failed: an error occurred inside the provider's system. Tap the exchange ID to open a page with more information and official instructions for how to proceed.
- Refunded: an error occurred inside the provider's system and your original coins were automatically sent back. Transaction fees may have been deducted from the initial amount.
- Overdue: the time allotted for sending the deposit has ended before they received your transaction. The original rate is no longer guaranteed.
In case of swap problems, please read our troubleshooting page here.
Referral program
At the top right corner you can also find the button to the referral page. When you set a referral code there, the owner of the code will get a small bonus every time you swap. This doesn't add any extra cost to your swaps and it's a great way to support a friend or favorite content creator. Once you set someone's referral code, it cannot be changed.
Currently you cannot generate a referral code for yourself, only specific users and partners can get one. This feature may come to all users in the future.