The main page of your Koala Wallet shows a summary of your portfolio, with its total dollar value at the top, and then individual asset balances and their respective equivalent dollar values. While synchronization is taking place, a colored outline shows the app's connection status to each asset. A disconnected wallet doesn't affect your security in any way, and doesn't prevent you from receiving. It simply may be showing outdated values.
🛠️ If you're continuously getting red or yellow connection status, please check our suggestions here.
To see specific transactions and details, tap the asset you want to check. If you have grouped accounts of the same asset, you will first expand them, then open the desired one.
Inside a specific asset's wallet you'll find the "Transactions" tab listing all of its transactions. You can see if you sent it from your wallet or if it was received into it, as well as the other address involved, asset amount and transaction date. You can also filter the list to show only received, sent and failed transactions, or show only transactions in a specific chain.
By tapping an item of the list, you will see the transaction's complete details. It includes the full address involved, source and destination chains, number of confirmations and the transaction ID. Tapping the ID will open it on a block explorer. Long-pressing it will copy the ID value to the clipboard. When seeking support regarding a specific transaction, include the URL of the opened block explorer page or the copied ID in text form.